Hair Transplant in Delhi - Hair Implant centre in Delhi

Hair Transplant centre in Delhi. At present, more and more young people do not wait for baldness obvious to a hair transplant done.

Speed: faster extraction, reducing in three hours treatment duration (about manuals transplants).

Efficiency: greater percentage of viability of follicles extracted. Moreover, the robot does not get tired, why not reduce its performance throughout the entire treatment.

A part of robotic surgery, Hair Nisa also offers other treatments like mesotherapy, growth factors, capillary strip (FUSS) or manual extraction (FUE). When the patient comes to the consultation, Dr. Vicent Alonso will be diagnosed with and decide which treatment is best for you.

Dr. explained  the technique used in clinical Ceta against androgenetic alopecia and those caused by burns or surgery.Hair Transplant in Delhi

Alopecia is a problem that affects more than 50% of men age 50 and some women of the same age. Regain hair is the dream of every person belonging to the group of those who have already lost. Currently, the hair transplant is now possible to get the repopulation of alopecia. It is to move hair from areas where it does not fall to bald or low density areas by capillary redistribution.

This has been explained Dr. Cristina Hoyos, hair transplant specialist dermatologist Ceta Clinic to Thus, in the follicles of hair transplant donor sites for reinserting they are obtained, as we say, in the unpopulated areas of the scalp. "So the hair will grow in the same way as in their home", he has established the doctor. Hair Transplant

For this one can use two types of techniques: the technique of the strip, whereby a complete piece of scalp, or FUE that obtains in this case, one by one follicular units posteriorly is obtained head, ie natural groupings of hair on the scalp. "Further, as will be getting will also placing, so the benefits are greater in the latter technique".

This technique was performed on patients aged between 25 and 75 years, and leaves no visible scars. The type of alopecia transplant candidates are on the one hand, androgenetic alopecia, caused by testosterone and has no cure; and secondly, alopecia burns or previous surgery.

"Once the grafts are obtained similar implants use a chuck on which the follicular unit is placed in the same gesture that make the incision to place the graft, also leave deposited on the hole, so the handling is minimal ", said Dr. Hoyos.

The process can last about 7 hours in the case of covering eg common inputs, for which it would take 2,000 follicular units. As for the pain, the doctor also explains that use local anesthesia and the patient is awake at all times, but despite this, said that usually go home with a "slight discomfort with feeling of heaviness."

What is achieved is therefore recover the hair in these areas affected by alopecia but nevertheless the process is not stopped. This means that alopecia continues and therefore it is necessary to combine the transplant medical treatment.

Postoperative care is minimal, but you need to take care of the area by daily washing, because the result is not immediate. "Hair growth may take up to four months after the patient undergoes the technique, after this period hair growth follows the normal course following a healthy hair".

But how far they can reach the television in the ratings war? Not enough for them to do silly awards every two months, but now running airing all personal lives of its presenters.
The last event starred as Alan Tacher, host of Despierta America, who brought to the chambers of the morning show to the operating room where he was to conduct a hair implant.

After the doctor explained the procedure that would subject the driver, he was placed in a bed in which he would apply anesthesia, then Give you the operation. But fortunately they did not dare to show more (because that of scalpels and blood as it does not stick in the morning), the truth is that yes Tacher shared with his followers Instagram videos while he was performing the procedure.

The presenter will return on Monday to the set of the show to display results, but honestly, we did not need to learn as much, or as we say in English TMI (Too Much Information).


Milan Tomic

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